I love teaching, creating, andĀ collaborating.

  • 15+ years in Content Production and teaching (see some of myĀ past work here)
  • Specialty in both running Content Operations for Businesses, & Creating Authority/Educational Content
  • Built multiple Production Studios
  • Led Video Content and Social Media Strategies for Fortune 500 Brands


  • Husband (LorissaB) and Father of 3 (twin girls and a boy)

  • Co-Founded Training Simplified, a Learning Experience Company that creates video-based learning content for the Hospitality Industry

  • Led Corporate Video Production and Storytelling at Chipotle Mexican Grill

  • Edutainment Professional

  • Developed Educational and Corporate Media for Denver Public Schools

  • Background in non-profit and teaching

  • Bad surfer, okay skiier, less okay guitarist, and expert Netflix-er

  • Lives in SoCal, became an adult in Colorado, born and raised in Kansas



“Bill helped me create an attainable financial plan that is already changing my life.” 



“After listening to just one episode of Bill’s podcast, everything started falling into place.”



“Bill is the secret sauce to my recent financial gains. I can’t thank him enough.” 

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